laser printed copy of the poem in a monospace typeface. an isotonic drink cast its shadow on the paper


Abgestandenes Sportgetränk
abgestanden isotonisch
technische Institute im Sommer
zugelaufene Scheibenwischer
das Zwischenstückgelenk im Gelenkbus der Gelenkstadt

Wie zerschrieben in Kapitel V, audience monster
we write the text we discuss the text
Kannenzelle, can cell
yelling principles
reading manifests
—time left to act

Es surrt die Praxis
zerdrück ich dich, Fliege,
oder bleib’ ich noch ein wenig auf?
Leuchtmulden von A nach B

Many wealth folks have no money
always asking, pay with card?
Kann ich Waschstraße mit Karte zahlen?
Brezel kost’ jetzt 90 cent.
kastanienfarbenes Nussschalengeschrumpel
sog. „Billigkeimer“

Einsteigen in das heiße Dieselgelenk
eingefroren im nassgeklatschten Vierersitz
die Beine hoch an den schmalen Vorsprung der

Priorised energy
to the industry
Mensch gewöhnt sich an
am Zaun entlang

Viele Huster, Schniefer, gesichtsfrei ungeschützt
fasten your meatbelts
three, two, one, take off


Stale sports drink
stale isotonic
technical institutes in summer
run over windshield wipers
the intermediate joint in the articulated bus of the articulated city

As written in chapter V, audience monster
we write the text we discuss the text
can cell, cancel
yelling principles
reading manifests
-time left to act

The practice is buzzing
do I crush you, fly, or stay up a little longer?
light troughs from A to B

Many wealth folks have no money
always asking, pay with card?
can I pay car wash with card?
pretzel now costs 90 cents
chestnut-colored nutshell shrinkage
so called “cheap seedlings”

Getting into the hot diesel joint
frozen in the wet-slapped four-seater seat
legs up against the narrow protrusion
of the plastic shell

Prioritised energy
to the industry
human gets used to
along the fence

Many coughs, jaws, faceless unprotected
fasten your meatbelts
three, two, one, take offs

[en: machine translation, 2022]