comet pustój
***mindset billionaire<<

mindset billionaire

2023, 16pages, Download PDF (8.1 MB)

purple cover showing photo of a reflective selfie background on a capitalist fair and green washi tape

inside view, a plain text book

collage of white visitors with white sneakers

reflection of a neon sign “Paradise”. “I don’t wear sweatpants on short flights”

“i am not here by choice, it says on my imaginary tote bag”

small picture reads “Der Mensch ist Knecht des Kapitalismus”

mindset billionaire

text text text

screenshot of an avatar generator face “everyone is tired and pretends to be woke”

an empty last page

imprint and a photo of two  separate brand signs reading “de consent”

design by frgmntscnr

artwork collage by frgmntscnr